Well hello again to day i am going to tell you the part 2 of my st John island camp. But before that the picture ontop is called Loraven and she is one of the member of team dark. Well you questioning where
did i get the idea of making all the character look almost the same? well i got the idea from Raven from the Teen Titan cartoon. I like her cause she have
the mysterious look. So lets get back
to the day 2 of St John's island camp k. So all the boys in the barrack
all set alarm at 5.00 and so i was sleeping and i have an alarm set inside
my brain i set my alarm at 4.45.
So that day i only sleep for 3 hours like that. Cause when i woke up at 4.45 am i was still sleepy
so went back to sleep to wait for 5.00 am then one by one of the handphone alarm sounded.
It was so anoyying. There is alot of song type.There is rock, trance, punk and country. i was like
uhhhhh and they all still asleep and so the alarm was automatically set to snooze
so can you imagine every five minute the alarm will sound and i finally didnt
care and went to sleep cause i am not good at waking people up so somebody woke me up. Then went
to the toilet and shower and then change and pack some thing . i went to the kitchen and the girls are
half way done on the breakfast and they are also late and they get scolding but lucky i am excuse
because on day 1 i was cleaning and scrubbing for the whole day so my senior understand. Wow so dont spreading of Planta on bread and it was so much fun.
And we made milo and could you imagine the taste of milo without milk but only
added sugar well it is still delicious so
have breakfast well only have 1 slice and a cup of milo cause need to take
care of some finishing of the breakfast and i said to all in the dinning area that
who didnt finish the whole pack of bread cant continue their activity
and stay in the dinning area until night without doing anything so it is like detention.
So went to relax cause kitchen duty is at 11 and now is like 9+ so hang around and
have fun i think i forget where i go. haha. so went back to the kitchen and cook and make water and then eat and then wait for kitchen
duty at 3 so i went wash things and hang out again i think i went to the
basketball court to get treatment for my leg which is full of mosquitoe bite
and then went to bunk 12 where there are groups there
doing skit which they will perform tonight and i was bored and everyone was like looking
at my leg and i say i know my leg are sexy you dont need to look at it all the time.
Everyone was talking about my leg and well some of the bites is from the ants.
Cause i wear slippers and shorts and my legs is always soak in water so that it i will continue tommorow
or someday when i remember somethings that i forgotten and farewell.
Guess LIFE is always HARD to HANDLE!!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
A day of tiring day

Well hello it has been a long time since i have updated my blog it is just that i have no idea what to write.
And this picture or cartoon ontop is another member of Team Dark and the name is Grevaring.
Well how is your holidays??????? If you ask me how is my holiday, i would say it is terrible haha. This is all because i can't get out of the house ahhhhhhhhhhh. So iritated..... Damn this and now i am restricted from
going out well all this have to end. Can't i have a little bit of freedom for me to enjoy at least give me some
i know my curfew but just dont restrict me from going out. Only going out will make me understand
and learn the meaning of life that i have been searching for so long already. Well lets get back to
something more interesting and lets talk about today. So today went to the dance nyaa lesson.
It was so tiring cause of the new dance step. the new one is so complicated nad i was sighing almost
everytime when the instructor say back to the top.
But the dance was much better than wat we have been dancing . Well escape from SL meeting cause so tired and got plans already.
Sorry cheif for not to be able to make it today.
Well i miss school and class and friends
and the food okay to shorten it i miss everything that have something to do with SCHOOL.
I donno y i like sch so much. but 1 thing for sure it is not the study, textbook and the TEACHER but
the joy i gain in school and the way i am treated there is totally different than usually and
of course my best friends. If you are reading this, i would like to say thank you for cheering me up
and make my school life a kick everyday and the names of my bestfriends cant be reveal.
I got 3 bestfriend but ppl say u can have 3 bestfriend so wat do i care i treated them all the same. My secondary life is totally opposite from my primary sch life.
I feel so good fuhhh. Well I haven done my homework and My PROJECT
and i have two project to finish that is my hist and my referring nyaa skill learning
and i am suppose to do about BOXING and just now just lied to the
teacher in-charge that we are half-way done because the rest haven started yet hehe just to get credit.
And i went to sim lim square to search for psp with farah and you cant trust alot of stores there and
there is one store which gave us a good deal that is pay 495 for a psp package+ 4 gig+ 22 games and
been firmware modified that was a gd deal so collecting $$$$ to buy one if u ask me why buy
another one,i just cant tell you haha.
So got home at 5 and happy cause at last got to go out and enjoy yay.
so that is all okay and dont forget to tag plz cause my tag board is so empty and only got 3 post .
So LIFE Isn't Always THE SAME
And this picture or cartoon ontop is another member of Team Dark and the name is Grevaring.
Well how is your holidays??????? If you ask me how is my holiday, i would say it is terrible haha. This is all because i can't get out of the house ahhhhhhhhhhh. So iritated..... Damn this and now i am restricted from
going out well all this have to end. Can't i have a little bit of freedom for me to enjoy at least give me some
i know my curfew but just dont restrict me from going out. Only going out will make me understand
and learn the meaning of life that i have been searching for so long already. Well lets get back to
something more interesting and lets talk about today. So today went to the dance nyaa lesson.
It was so tiring cause of the new dance step. the new one is so complicated nad i was sighing almost
everytime when the instructor say back to the top.
But the dance was much better than wat we have been dancing . Well escape from SL meeting cause so tired and got plans already.
Sorry cheif for not to be able to make it today.
Well i miss school and class and friends
and the food okay to shorten it i miss everything that have something to do with SCHOOL.
I donno y i like sch so much. but 1 thing for sure it is not the study, textbook and the TEACHER but
the joy i gain in school and the way i am treated there is totally different than usually and
of course my best friends. If you are reading this, i would like to say thank you for cheering me up
and make my school life a kick everyday and the names of my bestfriends cant be reveal.
I got 3 bestfriend but ppl say u can have 3 bestfriend so wat do i care i treated them all the same. My secondary life is totally opposite from my primary sch life.
I feel so good fuhhh. Well I haven done my homework and My PROJECT
and i have two project to finish that is my hist and my referring nyaa skill learning
and i am suppose to do about BOXING and just now just lied to the
teacher in-charge that we are half-way done because the rest haven started yet hehe just to get credit.
And i went to sim lim square to search for psp with farah and you cant trust alot of stores there and
there is one store which gave us a good deal that is pay 495 for a psp package+ 4 gig+ 22 games and
been firmware modified that was a gd deal so collecting $$$$ to buy one if u ask me why buy
another one,i just cant tell you haha.
So got home at 5 and happy cause at last got to go out and enjoy yay.
so that is all okay and dont forget to tag plz cause my tag board is so empty and only got 3 post .
So LIFE Isn't Always THE SAME
Thursday, December 06, 2007
St John Island part 1

Hello again! I hope your having a really great holiday at home or overseas. This is another member of Team Dark and he is called Slovarin.. Well actually today i have a meeting regarding the Secondary 1 Orientation and the registration.
I was so lazy to go then so never mind lets get started with
the topic.
Well this camp did really take our time to plan it. We took about 3 or 2 months to plan it and finish it. Well i am in the Food Com department. This department job is really tiring and can be boring cause you must sacrifice your time there. So i didnt enjoy much thought io can enjoy at night and break hours but i like to enjoy after the lights out haha since all sleeping.
1st Day-
It is Saturday and must go to school really early. I reach school at 6 in the morning and there was rejab and hanis. The rest said want to come early but they are the one late haha. So wait and push trolley and check items. distribute trolley to groups. when the first bus come, we ask the uncle to open the storage compartment but the uncle say he forget to take out his item so cant use so i was like shit where to put so we put all item on bus and thechicken too and can u imagine the smell of the chicken in an aircon place puiii. Smelly but lucky that is not my bus but it is the teachers bus haha. Then the second bus came butthis time the bus got no compartment at all so all up in the bus and the third bus arrive and i swear that if the last bus have no compartment i will become the most ferocious SL at the camp and lukily the bus have compartment. Guess it is my luck so go to the marina bay and set sail to kusu Island. when we reach the island the first thing that i want to see is the sea turtle the turtle is so big and only rejab and me manage to find it and others oall look at the water and searching so stupid so after that when to look for the phyton inside the temple. wow the snake is rich cause there is alot of ceiling money on the floor hehe. So photo taking and more then go to st john island. so we arrive there and then unloading and then i and other three guys must run aftermr koh who is really far and up the hill to sign in the place and tto rent the barrack. Fuh i was so tired. So take all finish and check all barrack and so i went to kitchen to start preparing for lunch . Well i did only water cause food is catered for first lunch. cut the watermelon, served. Then went to eat .Well i am always the slowest one when is come to eating haha. Well i didn't finish the food down there duh fulll..... So went for break while waiting for cooking for dinner so decided to go to beach. So took out syrup water out of the frigde and grab some cup and went down to the beach where my senior cook is waiting. went to beach and took some pictures of beutiful sceneries well maybe someday i will post the picture so make sure to check my blog every week okeh. So at the beach
i throw stone and the learn
how to make skipping stone at water and i succeed i did 3 skip wow. then rejab and the gang came and went into the water it was so much fun together. So went to cook dinner and my job is only to scrup and clean and of course make the special drinks. So eat again and then clean up and then bully sec 2 to clean up the kitchen for us as we have cook for them. The teachers is so annoying cause everytime enter kitchen take food then ask for warm water then we like busy why dont there do it themselves duhh stupid. And i forget to mention during the lunch time the is vegetarian and then we have no
vege food so we get scolded and i was
like it is not our fault the teacher never inform us earlier stupid teachers. So have dancing at night wow so much fun. The teachers all like so slow learner duhh. Then supper and debrief for only Sec 3 and sec2 has all gone to bed. All look sleepy and i was like smiling and laughing cause not sleepy. then finish the meeting and when to wash-up . After wash up everybody dont want to sleep and then walk around. So me,Zulaiha ans Shakila went to the jetty without the cheif knowing haha. So went there until 2 am and went back to barrack and sleep.
So that is wat happen on the first day so i will continue 2 part someday kkkk. I am so bored.
Guess this is the LIFE of a LEADER that is so BORING
I was so lazy to go then so never mind lets get started with
the topic.
Well this camp did really take our time to plan it. We took about 3 or 2 months to plan it and finish it. Well i am in the Food Com department. This department job is really tiring and can be boring cause you must sacrifice your time there. So i didnt enjoy much thought io can enjoy at night and break hours but i like to enjoy after the lights out haha since all sleeping.
1st Day-
It is Saturday and must go to school really early. I reach school at 6 in the morning and there was rejab and hanis. The rest said want to come early but they are the one late haha. So wait and push trolley and check items. distribute trolley to groups. when the first bus come, we ask the uncle to open the storage compartment but the uncle say he forget to take out his item so cant use so i was like shit where to put so we put all item on bus and thechicken too and can u imagine the smell of the chicken in an aircon place puiii. Smelly but lucky that is not my bus but it is the teachers bus haha. Then the second bus came butthis time the bus got no compartment at all so all up in the bus and the third bus arrive and i swear that if the last bus have no compartment i will become the most ferocious SL at the camp and lukily the bus have compartment. Guess it is my luck so go to the marina bay and set sail to kusu Island. when we reach the island the first thing that i want to see is the sea turtle the turtle is so big and only rejab and me manage to find it and others oall look at the water and searching so stupid so after that when to look for the phyton inside the temple. wow the snake is rich cause there is alot of ceiling money on the floor hehe. So photo taking and more then go to st john island. so we arrive there and then unloading and then i and other three guys must run aftermr koh who is really far and up the hill to sign in the place and tto rent the barrack. Fuh i was so tired. So take all finish and check all barrack and so i went to kitchen to start preparing for lunch . Well i did only water cause food is catered for first lunch. cut the watermelon, served. Then went to eat .Well i am always the slowest one when is come to eating haha. Well i didn't finish the food down there duh fulll..... So went for break while waiting for cooking for dinner so decided to go to beach. So took out syrup water out of the frigde and grab some cup and went down to the beach where my senior cook is waiting. went to beach and took some pictures of beutiful sceneries well maybe someday i will post the picture so make sure to check my blog every week okeh. So at the beach
i throw stone and the learn
how to make skipping stone at water and i succeed i did 3 skip wow. then rejab and the gang came and went into the water it was so much fun together. So went to cook dinner and my job is only to scrup and clean and of course make the special drinks. So eat again and then clean up and then bully sec 2 to clean up the kitchen for us as we have cook for them. The teachers is so annoying cause everytime enter kitchen take food then ask for warm water then we like busy why dont there do it themselves duhh stupid. And i forget to mention during the lunch time the is vegetarian and then we have no
vege food so we get scolded and i was
like it is not our fault the teacher never inform us earlier stupid teachers. So have dancing at night wow so much fun. The teachers all like so slow learner duhh. Then supper and debrief for only Sec 3 and sec2 has all gone to bed. All look sleepy and i was like smiling and laughing cause not sleepy. then finish the meeting and when to wash-up . After wash up everybody dont want to sleep and then walk around. So me,Zulaiha ans Shakila went to the jetty without the cheif knowing haha. So went there until 2 am and went back to barrack and sleep.
So that is wat happen on the first day so i will continue 2 part someday kkkk. I am so bored.
Guess this is the LIFE of a LEADER that is so BORING
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Book and NYAA

Hey welcome back to my blog hope your having a great day today and for the rest of the day. Have you heard any joke or anything and want to share??? Just put it in the Flashbox thnx you. Well this picture is another member or the team dark, she is called Whitress. Well back to me. so this is my second post and hope you like the song.
Haven bought my books yet cause no $$$$$ to buy my dad haven get his bonus yet so hmmmm. But i am going for the stupid dance practice for the sec 1 orientation thing. We are going to dance to the song High school musical. well i have forgotten the step and need to come back to complete my NYAA hours. If i know that NYAA going to take alot of my time i wouldnt join but to bad that i paid already so must go. I haven been active with my handphone so dont like scold me if i dont answer well i check it only at 11.30 pm because there is nothing important that i need to know. On the next post i will be talking about my Student leader camp at st john island and maybe i will continue my Coin Spirit story soon on this blog so make sure to check my blog for new story and update k. That all cause this week is so boring haha..
Guess my LIFE is always BORING!!!!!
Haven bought my books yet cause no $$$$$ to buy my dad haven get his bonus yet so hmmmm. But i am going for the stupid dance practice for the sec 1 orientation thing. We are going to dance to the song High school musical. well i have forgotten the step and need to come back to complete my NYAA hours. If i know that NYAA going to take alot of my time i wouldnt join but to bad that i paid already so must go. I haven been active with my handphone so dont like scold me if i dont answer well i check it only at 11.30 pm because there is nothing important that i need to know. On the next post i will be talking about my Student leader camp at st john island and maybe i will continue my Coin Spirit story soon on this blog so make sure to check my blog for new story and update k. That all cause this week is so boring haha..
Guess my LIFE is always BORING!!!!!
Monday, December 03, 2007

Hi this is my first time posting so it will be a little cocky. Hey last wk have been a realli sicky wk for me one sickness after another .Like the picture on top ^^ It is my own cartoon creation that is called team dark well this is novaming. Well last wk was sicky as you have known. I suffered from asthma, migrane and lot more. Wow i would say that is a bad luck wk huhu.
Well i got sick on the Saturday that is my NYAA CIP day. Woke up in the morning and have diffulculty breathing and i kept a sickness so i can go to my CIP. The cip is at Simei ITE that is really far. In the bus i wanted to vomit but i hold it. Took a long time to reach there. Waited outside the ITE cause the security wont let us pass. then Chris from the YMCA department went to fetch us at the gate . waited and waited and i feel regreted come to this lame thing. Went inside. wow It is such a big place and i tell faris that if i were to be schooling there, i would lose my way on the first day of school haha. But he say he wont. duh. So went to a place i dont know where and sat there . There is student from Nan Hua institute well i forget the sch maybe it is the right one. So join our group and play icebreaking games. We played the concentration game well i lose focus and was force to do forfeit that is butt writing. Butt writing is reali hard. then our Beneficiaries people came there are the CACAT people. well they may look scary but on you know them, they will be very fun. I still have asthma so played games. Hard to breath. our team won the second place so very happy. everyone was like playing water bombs after that except for me cause i am sick . sitting all alone than faris came to me. Than one of my friend said " you know what is the differences btwn nan hua and hillgrove?" i said no and she told me the answer."Nan Hua student know when to stop but hillgrove dont know how to stop having fun and i was like hahahahaha faking one.Then photo taking alot of them . then waited for no reason !!!! so decided to go home cause my sickness getting worser so called faris and then go home. the mrt is really far and told faris the i swear i won tbe schooling there cause everything is so far and the only bus available is bus no. 31 huh that lead us to tampines.Does that mean simei ite student all go to Tampines mrt to go home ???? that is very lame duh.....
so walked to the mrt that is expo mrt station . i fell like dying the sun is very hot hothot.... and the mrt came and sitted but got down at tanah merah to tranfer trains but there is no sit so need to stand till city hall. that is where alot of people get down . whoa i am lucky got a sit and sleep till JE mrt . lucky faris is there if not i wouldnt go on thnx maggie (Faris) the hair tell the story. well that is all and now i am doing fine and it is reali bored staying at home when it is holiday cause i got nothing to do and i cant go out / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Guess this is LIFE!!!
Well i got sick on the Saturday that is my NYAA CIP day. Woke up in the morning and have diffulculty breathing and i kept a sickness so i can go to my CIP. The cip is at Simei ITE that is really far. In the bus i wanted to vomit but i hold it. Took a long time to reach there. Waited outside the ITE cause the security wont let us pass. then Chris from the YMCA department went to fetch us at the gate . waited and waited and i feel regreted come to this lame thing. Went inside. wow It is such a big place and i tell faris that if i were to be schooling there, i would lose my way on the first day of school haha. But he say he wont. duh. So went to a place i dont know where and sat there . There is student from Nan Hua institute well i forget the sch maybe it is the right one. So join our group and play icebreaking games. We played the concentration game well i lose focus and was force to do forfeit that is butt writing. Butt writing is reali hard. then our Beneficiaries people came there are the CACAT people. well they may look scary but on you know them, they will be very fun. I still have asthma so played games. Hard to breath. our team won the second place so very happy. everyone was like playing water bombs after that except for me cause i am sick . sitting all alone than faris came to me. Than one of my friend said " you know what is the differences btwn nan hua and hillgrove?" i said no and she told me the answer."Nan Hua student know when to stop but hillgrove dont know how to stop having fun and i was like hahahahaha faking one.Then photo taking alot of them . then waited for no reason !!!! so decided to go home cause my sickness getting worser so called faris and then go home. the mrt is really far and told faris the i swear i won tbe schooling there cause everything is so far and the only bus available is bus no. 31 huh that lead us to tampines.Does that mean simei ite student all go to Tampines mrt to go home ???? that is very lame duh.....
so walked to the mrt that is expo mrt station . i fell like dying the sun is very hot hothot.... and the mrt came and sitted but got down at tanah merah to tranfer trains but there is no sit so need to stand till city hall. that is where alot of people get down . whoa i am lucky got a sit and sleep till JE mrt . lucky faris is there if not i wouldnt go on thnx maggie (Faris) the hair tell the story. well that is all and now i am doing fine and it is reali bored staying at home when it is holiday cause i got nothing to do and i cant go out / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Guess this is LIFE!!!
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